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Exchange Club of Columbia County CTAE Scholarship

Applications due February 13, 2025

Our $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a CTAE (Career, Technical, Agriculture, Education) student in a public high school within Columbia County. A total of five scholarships will be awarded. The scholarship can be used for post graduate studies at a 2 or 4 year college or students going directly into the workforce who could use these funds to purchase related tools needed for their workforce trade. Each applicant must include a personal letter of no more than 500 words that outlines why you chose your CTAE pathway and what you hope to accomplish in that particular field. Please include how you can use your CTAE pathway to promote The Mission of Exchange. The Mission of Exchange: The Exchange Club of Columbia County is a local chapter of the National Exchange Club. Exchange sponsors activities designed to benefit, award and develop our nation’s youth, promote military and public safety service providers and participates in community service. Exchange also promotes Americanism programs, and its national project is the prevention of child abuse. The deadline for applications will be February 13, 2025 and the scholarship will be presented at the recipient’s high school Honors Program. The recipient along with their parents and school sponsor will also be invited to the Exchange Club scholarship breakfast on April 24, 2025 as part of our annual recognition ceremony.

APPLICATION: Exchange Club of Columbia County CTAE Scholarship

In addition to the application, the following will need to be included when submitted:
-Personal letter (no more than 500 words)
-2 letters of recommendation (Employers, Teacher, or Community Leaders


Please submit to: The Guidance Department by February 13, 2025 For questions – you may send an email to

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